Career Advice

Video: How to Develop A Personal Mission Statement

How to Develop A Personal Mission Statement

You’ve heard of companies and organizations with mission statements, but individuals? To create an intentional life, I need you to get proactive about what matters to you. A clear mission based on your personal, unique values will help provide direction in your life.

Think of it this way: If you were a spectator at your own funeral, what would you want your friends and family to remember you for most? What are the most prominent themes you would want to hear? What moments would you be most proud of? Your personal mission statement is a powerful way to shape the answers to these questions.

In my new book, Holistic Wealth, I discuss personal mission statements and the book has concrete examples and case studies of how other experts have developed their personal mission statements. If you haven’t ordered the book yet, you can still do so and claim your free bonuses.

Holistic wealth happens by design; it results from a series of strategic decisions. It is not accidental or mired in mindless activities or driven by habits. Personal mission statements are an important component of an intentionally designed life, leadership, and personal development. It forces you to think deeply about your life, clarify its purpose, and identify what is truly important to you. A personal mission statement also forces you to clarify and express, as briefly as possible, your deepest values and aspirations. It imprints your values and purposes in your mind so they become a part of you. Take time to craft your own personal mission statement and integrate it into your weekly planning as a way to keep your vision constantly in front of you. Holistic Wealth: 32 Life Lessons To Help You Find Purpose, Prosperity and Happiness. 

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